Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Beggars can be choosers will be assholes!

I point your attention to this article here:


It's written by some daffy blonde chick who works at the gadget geek website Gizmodo, about her forays into online dating via OKCupid. Apparently, on her date, she managed to end up going out with the world champion of the game Magic: The Gathering. She then proceeds to, as delicately as she can, call him a massive fucking dork and blame his involvement with the game as the top reason why she won't date him again. Oh sure she, out of nowhere of course, tosses in a "moral of the story is" type of thing to says oh dont date people who you dont have things in common with! But before getting there she bashes the guy, bashes his hobby, bashes him for not mentioning on his profile what he does, and seems to hold herself as some kind of superior becuase she doesn't play the fucking game.

This is the point of the story where I throw my rifle into the squad and say: BITCH, EAT A DICK! First off, the guy is a world champion, and actually manages to make a good living on this hobby. She bashes him for playing, for having friends who play it, and for being involved in it at all. WTF??? And this is a bitch who works at fucking GIZMODO! A FUCKING GADGET WEBSITE! GEEKS INFEST THAT WEBSITE! MANY OF WHOM LIKELY PLAY THE COCK SUCKING GAME! So it didn't matter that he was actually successful, and a well dressed decent looking nice guy, oh no! It all went IMMEDIATELY to shit when he said "Magic: The Gathering". And she has the fucking balls to run home to her stupid little website, call the man out by NAME on the fucking internet and trash him and his hobby as uber dorks not worth her fucking time? Great guy, but plays magic? OH NO! THE HORROR! MUST FLEE NOW! The man is intelligent, decent looking, rich even! But magic?? GOD FUCKING FORBID!

I know a lot of people who play Magic: The Gathering. I dont play. I really have no interest in it at all. But imagine tomorrow I up and decided NOPE can't talk to any of these people anymore becuase they play Magic: The Gathering. Or World of Warcraft. Cant identify with those TYPES. Now watch as I smell my own farts. I think i'd rather be shot in the face than walk around with that kind of close minded, arrogant mentality. You know what my geekery of choice is? I collect action figures! Thats right, every Wednesday I run into the local Toys R Us store to see if there's any new delivery of something I'm looking for, if there is I buy it run home open it take pictures and stand the thing up on my shelf or on top of my blu-ray collection or TV or what have you. And should anyone give me a giggle about ir I just happily raise an eyebrow and say "hey I can likely name some bullshit you do which I have no interest in that I can take and shove entirely up your ass if I want to :D But a penis, I am not, so I wont if you wont." We all have our hobbies be it video games, cars, sports, movies, fashion, bondage, pets, orgasms, what have you. Sitting there and letting that SINGULAR thing determine whether a person is worth your shit or not doesn't make you wise, or interesting, or even funny. It just makes you shit filled asshole. So to this slag, who is happily getting torn asunder in the comments section of her very own page(heh!), I will take the pot, and kettle and shove them both directly up her own gizmodo.

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