Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Me and Sean Penn agree on something!

Here's an article: http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/movies/2011/08/sean-penn-terrence-malick-tree-of-life-critical.html

...in which actor/communist Sean Penn disses his new film The Tree of Life, by "acclaimed" director Terrence Malick. He basically says the film had no narrative and he had no clue what the hell his character was doing in the film. I haven't seen the film, but I'm willing to bet bottom dollar Penn's comments are spot on! Terrence Malick films are fucking ponderous and annoying. Only pseudo intellectuals, hipsters, and elitists like Terrence Malick movies! His films have no narrative, no story structure, no characterization, NOTHING. They are just images splashed onto a screen and strung together. Fuck me even David Lynch has better narrative than Malick! I at least can come away with a sense of what Eraserhead was trying to say. And at least Lynch stuffs his films with such odd bullshit that you cant help but to keep watching Malick is the film equivalent of Jackson Pollack. All splash and razzle dazzle and incomprehensible bullshit that people pretend is art. So score one for Sean Penn for once, for coming out and stating the obvious, when everyone else in Hollywood is still trying to figure out how  many Oscars to have over to Malick next year. "Oh you just don't understand the beauty of..." No I don't and neither do you but you like to pretend you so you can look smart and artistic but you're not so FUCK OFF! I'll take 10 Green Lantern's over ONE Thin Red Line any day of the week and twice on Sunday.


  1. Wow Sean Penn & Fernado agree? What's next Michelle Bachmann is Fernados real Mother?!

  2. here's another gem i wont be watching. thanks fern.

  3. Iron GODDAMMIT!, You said you'd NEVER TELL!

    Those are my secrets and I'll exploit them!
